This quote is ringing pretty true to my ears. The focus of these words are directed at this blogging set up. Golly, if I can figure out where to link in posts to the correct page I want them on. Wait, was it suppose to be a category to the page. Pages are a one time deal, posts are often. UUHHHHH!!!!!!
I have watched so many videos, read a load of information. So many article show the how to, but not the how to that I have in mind. Maybe I have to big a plan and just need dial it back awhile. I know it should be able to organize it’s self in time as posts come together. I will tell you, my draft page of ideas to start writing and the list on my phone it getting quite long. Exciting.
I even stopped to visit my cousin who blogs, aslightlybetterwife.com. We talked instead. Her kids are so fun. So no blog work that day. It may be my stubborn nature, I just want to figure it out on my own. On the other hand, my impatient nature just wants to be told what to do so I can get on with it.
I bet this isn’t what Nelson Mandela was thinking about. I am giving him credits to the quote, as when I looked it up, his name followed. Although I did find a site that says there are no records of him saying this. Who really gets all their words recorded?