It all seems impossible til it’s done.


This quote is ringing pretty true to my ears.  The focus of these words are directed at this blogging set up.  Golly, if I can figure out where to link in posts to the correct page I want them on.  Wait, was it suppose to be a category to the page.  Pages are a one time deal, posts are often. UUHHHHH!!!!!!

I have watched so many videos, read a load of information.  So many article show the how to, but not the how to that I have in mind.  Maybe I have to big a plan and just need dial it back awhile. I know it should be able to organize it’s self in time as posts come together.  I will tell you, my draft page of ideas to start writing and the list on my phone it getting quite long. Exciting.

I even stopped to visit my cousin who blogs,  We talked instead.  Her kids are so fun. So no blog work that day.  It may be my stubborn nature, I just want to figure it out on my own. On the other hand, my impatient nature just wants to be told what to do so I can get on with it.

I bet this isn’t what Nelson Mandela was thinking about. I am giving him credits to the quote, as when I looked it up, his name followed.  Although I did find a site that says there are no records of him saying this.  Who really gets all their words recorded?



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Hello from Little Iowa Farmstead, I'm Tara. A wife, mother of four teenagers & fulltime CST (surgical technologist). I love my job-- I also love to do projects of all kinds at home. My project To Do list is HUGE... That's where this blog comes in. I want to be accountable for the ever growing list of projects that need to be, and that I want to accomplish. With my favorite play ground Pinterest, we all understand the To Do is long. Spring-Fall has us at our busiest with gardening, spring babies, getting ready for the county fair, harvesting the fruits of the growing season, and time for travel. During the winter, while the season is short, it feels like we just can't get out to 'DO'. So the planning & preparing happens. Here's to a wonderful, productive, happy, healthy New Year and all that we are blessed with.